the body


Surgery time
Approximately 45 mins per area
Local with sedation in small quantities
Outpatient but with extensive procedures stay will be 24 hours
Off work
2-7 days
A week, progressive
1 month


Liposuction is especially recommended for those people with normal weight but with isolated areas of concentrated body fat disproportionate to the rest of the body.

Better results will always be obtained if your skin still has the elasticity to regain shape after the procedure.

A good candidate for liposuction has localised body fat or is someone who wishes to remodel a specific body part such as the cheeks, jowels, neck, upper arms, chest, back, stomach and waist, interior and exterior of thigh, hip and buttocks, knees, ankles and calves. This procedure can also be used to treat ginecomastia ( male breast enlargement ). Liposuction should not be considered for overweight people or to treat cellulitis.

Liposuction can be done on different parts of the body at the same time and in conjunction with other surgical procedures.

1. First appointment

Due to different physical factors, not everybody gets the same results from liposuction. For this reason, the first consultation with your doctor is essential, so that he or she can evaluate your case and recommend a specific treatment. You should explain clearly which parts of your body you would like to improve and in this way a treatment plan can be made to give you the results you require.

2. How will the surgeon evaluate my case?

At the consultancy you must explain your medical history. This includes all previous illnesses ( hypertension, cardio-vascular, diabetis, hepatitis etc ), any surgical procedure undergone in the past and medications.

Your weight and any future weight gain or loss are important issues and the doctor will assess your skin elasticity and how much fat should be removed for optimum results.

3. How is liposuction done?

The fat is sucked through a small needle connected with a tube to a vacuum. The needle is inserted through tiny incisions around the area to be treated.

4. Risks

Fortunately, risks are very uncommon. Every year thousands of people undergo this procedure with great success although the risks must be as clear well as the benefits.

Potential risks will be explained by the plastic surgeon or the medical team. Some examples are skin infection or thrombosis, haematomas are normal and will disappear, very rarely do they need draining. After liposuction it´s normal that the skin feels numb with a loss of sensitivity. It´s also usual that the treated areas change colour.

5. Preparation for procedure

If you smoke, the doctor will ask you to stop a few days before surgery. Aspirin and some anti inflammatories may cause bleeding and so must be avoided before surgery. Your surgeon will give you clear instructions as to what to do before the operation. You should be accompanied by someone to the procedure to take you home or spend the night should you stay in the clinic.

6. The procedure

Liposuction should be carried out in a hospital or clinic. Medication will be administered during surgery. Your plastic surgeon will explain to you beforehand what type of anaesthetic will be used, local, local and sedative, epidural or general. For your safety, during the procedure various monitors will be used to control heart rate, blood pressure, pulse and oxygen level.

When the procedure is finished you will be moved to intensive care where a corset will be put on. The type and size of the corset will be discussed with your surgeon. The lengh of time you need to wear the corset and when you can start to shower will also be discussed.

Normally you will be able to go home a few hours after the procedure. In some cases the surgeon may advise you to stay in hospital overnight. After a week you may remove the corset to enable the surgeon to examine the treated area. You will notice some bruising and swelling. Normally the inflammation will ease a week after the procedure and the bruises will begin to disappear after 3 weeks. In some cases there will be numbness in the treated areas but this will fade. The stitches will be removed 10 days after the procedure.

7. What happens if I put on weight?

The thickness of the tissue below the skin will increase but will not show in the treated area.

8. When can I return to normal activity?

After any surgical procedure, but especially this one, the recovery time varies greatly from person to person.

The pain is similair to bruising after a fall.

The day after the procedure it is advisable to start moving carefully to help circulation, your surgeon will explain the best way to do this. A few days after the procedure you can return to work. Many day to day activities can be done after a week and most after two. Recovery time depends a lot on the extent of the liposuction.

9. The results

Liposuction reduces those areas of excess fat that make you feel uncomfortable. Factors such as liquid retention or inflammation can delay the appearance of your new figure. The healing process is gradual so you should wait a few months to see the final result. Occasionally a touch up may be necessary to improve a certain area. Your surgeon will explain this to you if needed.

10. How long will the results last?

The results of the liposuction will be permanent. Try to maintain the same weight and even if you do gain some weight you will notice that it will be distributed all over the body and not in specific areas.

11. Should I continue to visit the plastic surgeon?

You will have to visit your doctor from time to time so he or she can follow your progress. Once the post operative visits are done, your surgeon will ask you to return periodically to evaluate the results in the long term.

Remember, your relationship with your plastic surgeon doesn´t finish at the end of the procedure. If you


Candidates: Patients with normal weight and specific areas of accumulated body fat.

Type of pain: Sensation of impact, stiffness.

Scars: Small puncture marks similair to intravenous drip.

Consequences: Depending on the amount of fat removed there can be increased looseness of skin or minor irregularities in the donor area.

Remember: Liposuction doesn´t treat excess weight or cellulitis.

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